Where: Ukranian Village
How Much: $5 donation
How to get there: Red line to Clark and Division, Division Street bus
After a nice afternoon watching the Pride Parade, Kim and I headed to the Green Music Festival to see a band we're both quite fond of, Cloud Cult. We arrived a few hours early and walked around the neighborhood. Kim had a sore spot on her foot from her sandals so we stopped at a Walgreens for a bandaid. After purchasing the bandaids, we were standing outside the store so that Kim could apply it and a Walgreens employee came
He was going on a break, so we asked him his name (Devon) and he headed over to the fair with us to have some dinner. We found a stand with delicious goat cheese, sundried tomato and artichoke pizza. Those are pretty much my three favorite things, so even though I wasn't hungry, I ate my whole slice. Deeelicious. I would say this was the best fair food I have had so far, and I really wish I had taken a picture of the name of the restaurant so that I could talk it up.
After 20 minutes, Devon had to go (after getting Kim's number) and Kim and I explored the booths. I bought a necklace with three different kinds of metal and a deck of restaurant cards. I am pretty excited about these cards. Each one describes a different independent restaurant in the city and entitles the bearer to $10 off a purchase of $25 or more. There are 52 cards in the deck, a savings of $520 if you used every one. The deck sells for $20 and pays for itself in two visits. The point is to get the word out about interesting, "niche" restaurants in the city. I can't wait to start trying them!
The festival was smaller than most, so we had some time to spare after visiting the booths.We tried a new beer, Peak Organic, as we sat around waiting for our band to take the st
Cloud Cult took the stage at 8:45. The band consists of a cello, violin, keyboard, french horn, guitar, bass, and drums. There are also two artists that paint in the back while the band is playing. At the end of the concert, they auction off the paintings to the highest bidder. The painter on the left is the wife of the lead singer.
Kim and I have seen Cloud Cult once before, and just like last time I was entranced by the violinist, Shannon. She has this same serene look the entire time she is playing or singing.
Despite the drunken teenagers and the smoke, I was thoroughly entertained. If you ever have the chance to see this band or pick up an album, do it. You will listen to nothing else for weeks.
Those were the only two festivals I made it to this weekend. My mom is turning an important number on Thursday (which I won't disclose here) and her friends organized an incredible surprise party for her on Saturday. Somehow we all managed to keep the secret for months and she walked in with spacers between her toes from a pedicure. I have never seen someone so completely shocked. Happy Birthday, Mom!
Next weekend I will be out of town, but if you have the time, the Taste of Chicago is still going on.
May your lives be long, and may your wishes all be simple, and may your hearts stay strong.
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